Building your home in the Bahamas is easier than you thought. There are many licensed contractors who can handle your project.
Importing Materials
It is recommended that certain materials be purchased in the US and shipped to the Bahamas for building purposes.
Shipping Companies
There are several shipping companies departing from ports in South Florida on a weekly basis.
Customs Clearance On Island
Once your materials arrive on island they are held at the Brokerage company until they are cleared by Bahamas Customs and payment for any duties/freight, etc. are received.
Delivery of Materials
In most cases your Contractor or whomever you designate, will arrange pick up and delivery of the items to your building site.
Duties and Tarifs on Items Shipped to The Bahamas
This list and percentages are subject to change at any time. It is important to contact the brokerage company on the island prior to shipping to confirm these costs. Click here for the list of items and applicable duties.
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